Ellie Williams A Broken Paradise Series

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Chasing Fears' the first instalment of 'A Broken Paradise' Awen finally escapes from the family home, from her initial fears and spontaneously decides she's going on a self-discovery mission to America, where her childhood holidays took her and she met her friends. But the moment she leaves her home, with her poor teenage sister Dylis, she's faced with danger and utter terror as it seems there really was a reason her family kept her so secret and it wasn't because of her many gifts that were unnatural to human's such as you or I, it was because Awen is being hunted by beings we can't even begin to grasp, understand, comprehend. And to accomplish any of that you'd also have to believe that they not only exist, but they are human, their far more human than you or I, that the possibility that you and I aren't what we thought, that maybe we're the Aliens of this planet and not Awen and her kind . . . In any case, she'll go searching to find out what her family have kept from her, her whole life! "Ooh! and do you wanna know what Jesus was really protecting you from"

Ellie Williams (Born: Danni Williams) 16th October 1983 Cardiff S. Wales. Ellie is the youngest of four. Straight after high school Ellie and her family moved to the south to start a new life. Ellie planned to go to college that summer to study her first love 'Performing Arts' but ended up joined the cabin crew of Condor Ferries at port Weymouth / Dorset for a few years, then moved on to Clinton Cards during winter seasons while off the boats. She also joined JD Weatherspoons and later Peacocks LTD as a retail assistant. Ellie is the mother of a wonderful little boy, Alex. Alex has CP (Cerebral Palsy) which as you can imagine is a full-time job in itself. But Ellie didn't falter. From spring 2007, she decided to restart her writing, an escape from the harsh reality she lived when taking care of a sick child. Ellie didn't go out because of Alex's health and his needs; she had become prisoners in her own home. So she found her escape in old school work she found inside a box in her attic one day, she found her old English Lit books and folders. It resparked an idea: A Broken Paradise. Ellie started it at school almost 12 years ago back then, it was an English lit paper for an exam. But of course back then it was just 100 pages long, yep! Back then the first book was called "This Way to Paradise" (which is now book 3). This is where it all began, when one 100 page essay for English Lit turned into potentially a 6 book series. Who knew? Ellie says "It would seem I started from the end and worked myself back to the beginning. This is true in many cases, except This Way to Paradise isn't the last and final book now, there are in fact two more after that even. So far I have written three books: Chasing Fears/ The Alliance and This Way to Paradise, which leaves only Books Four & Five (possibly six) left to do"